Jun Yan, Ph.D.

Professor of Statistics, University of Connecticut.


Dr. Yan's methodological research interests include social networks, spatial extremes, measurement error, survival analysis, clustered data analysis, and statistical computing, most of which are motivated by his cross-disciplinary collaborations. He His application domains are environmental sciences, public health, and sports. Over his career at UConn, he has led methodological research projects funded by the National Science Foundation and collaborative projects with application mental health through the Center for Population Health. With a special interest in making his statistical methods available via open-source software, he and his coauthors have developed and been maintaining a collection of R packages in the public domain. He is a co-founder of the Statistical Data Science Lab that engages students in data science via real-world applications.

B.Econ from Renmin University of China
MA,  University of Miami
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4jVhnnEAAAAJ&hl=en