Q: What is the time commitment for UCHL volunteers?

A: Volunteers are expected to fulfill one 4-hour shift per week in the clinic and to attend a monthly meeting at 7:00 PM on a weekday.

Q: Can I volunteer more than one shift per week?

A: If you are currently enrolled in classes then you may only complete one shift per week. We limit students so that they are able to focus on their academics, which are of the utmost importance. However, any student who is not currently enrolled in classes may volunteer for more than one shift per week.

Q: Can I develop my own study or project if I feel I have a good idea?

A: Absolutely! UConn Health Leaders are expected to be just that, leaders. Our Leaders will be supported but also pushed to really develop their ideas and learn about how to bring an idea to fruition.

Q: Can I attend a meeting to decide whether I would like to apply?

A: Certainly! Please send us an email at uconnhealthleaders@uchc.edu if you were interested in attending one of our meetings.

Q: What steps do I need to complete to become a UCHL volunteer?

A: You can use our Applicant/Onboarding Checklist for guidance.

Q: Does UCHL provide transportation to and from volunteers’ schools and assigned clinics?

A: No, UCHL volunteers are responsible for their own transportation. Carpooling is encouraged and if two volunteers wish to carpool together we will do our utmost to support them and ensure they share a shift. However, UCHL will not be responsible for the coordination.