- CRC: Clinical Research Center with links to:
- Core Laboratory
- Dental Clinical Research Center (DCRC)
- Administrative Core
- Bone Density
- Clinical Core
- Informatics Core
- Pharmacy Core
- Research Subject Advocate Core
- COR2E: Center for Open Research Resources and Equipment
- Journal Art. (squared labs), a subunit or COR2E is launching a new pilot service specifically for the purpose of creating high quality research journal cover art. Free, at least for now!
- Jackson Labs
- Lincus: A webtool for identifying faculty research interests and collaborators. Do not use Internet Explorer. Sign in with your NetID. Find your NetID.
- Office of Physician-Scientist Career Development
- Office of the Vice President for Research with resources for:
- Finding funding
- Submitting proposals
- Managing grants and contracts
- Obtaining necessary approvals (e.g., for human subjects research or animal research)
- Commercialization
- Research Mentoring and Career Development: Associate Dean Anthony T. Vella, Ph.D., 860-679-4364, vella@uchc.edu
- UConn Health Office of Research Planning and Coordination: Administrative Program Coordinator Stephanie Holden, 860-679-2513, sholden@uchc.edu