Welcome Message
Mission Statement
The School of Medicine Faculty Development Program, sponsored by the Office of Faculty Affairs, assists our faculty by providing workshops, programs, and resources that focus on academic advancement, enhancement of teaching and research skills, and leadership development. Information and valuable resources about wellness are also made available to faculty through our website.
Academic Advancement
Academic promotion and tenure seek to recognize and reward excellence in our faculty. Generally, excellence is defined in terms of contributions to one's profession (rather than excellence purely in carrying out ones' job responsibilities such as patient care, teaching or administration).
All faculty other than visiting faculty and Clinical Associates are eligible and encouraged to apply for academic promotion. Faculty holding the rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor or Associate Professor are eligible for promotion (with or without modifiers such as "adjunct" or "clinical"). There are not quotas. All faculty meeting the promotion standards may advance. While academic promotion takes into account the applicant's total body of work, there is a particular focus on achievements since initial appointment/last promotion.
Please explore the following resources that you may find helpful for academic promotion and tenure process.
Getting Started with Academic Advancement
Companion Document
Medical Educator Checklist
Nominees Instructions, Forms, Templates
Professional Category
Workshops and Upcoming Events
Awards of Promotion and Tenure
Mistreatment Video and Implicit Bias Modules
Q & A: Predatory Journals - How to Identify and Avoid Them
Online Curriculum Offerings
Helpful Links
Academic Impressions- Professional Resources
AAMC Statement on Police Brutality and Racism in America and Their Impact on Health
Community and Continuing Medical Education
Health Care Provider Well-Being During COVID-19
Mistreatment Video and Implicit Bias Modules
UConn Health Sciences Library Support Services