Kaitlyn Hermon

UConn School of Pharmacy Class of 2015

I was born and raised in Chelsea, Massachusetts, just a few miles outside the heart of downtown Boston. Being raised in a setting with so much economic diversity gave me the desire to care for those who do not receive the optimal benefits from a community that should provide equally for its entire population. Due to this desire, I became involved with Reformed University Fellowship, a Presbyterian ministry group, as an undergraduate at UConn. With RUF I went on a missions trip to New York to help recent Chinese immigrants become accustomed the U.S. Through teaching English classes, demonstrating American cuisine, and helping people figure out basics of survival in a new city, I came to realize that there are many populations in the United States that struggle to be recognized and cared for. UST aims to help those populations. UST gives students the ability to take their skills in their profession, their passion for care, and their interest in collaborating with other professions to determine new and better ways to provide for those who have barriers to adequate health care. It allows students to pursue their passion to serve others while also giving them experience working with other professions. For these reasons I believe UST will enable me to reach out to those who desperately need help.

Kaitlyn Hermon
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