Maitreyee Kale

UConn School of Medicine

I was born in India and moved to the United States when I was one year old. I was raised in Stamford, Connecticut and hold a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry from Stony Brook University.
I have volunteered with the Global Education Project run out of the Stony Brook University Hospital, where I improved patient outcomes and morale by spending time with them and helping and encouraging students in the hospital with their schoolwork. I have also volunteered with Stony Brook’s Global Medical Brigades in Nicaragua. I and my fellow students stayed in Nicaragua for seven days, during which time we set up and operated make-shift clinics and a make-shift pharmacy. Professionally, I have worked as a medical scribe at Stamford Health Medical Health, working in the OBGYN.
I am drawn to the Urban Service Track/AHEC Scholars (UST/AS) Program because I believe in a holistic approach to healthcare. The UST/AS Program’s focus on primary care and interdisciplinary learning will make me the best physician I can be, one not only skilled in medicine, but also aware of her community’s more general issues. Through the UST/AS Program, I can interact with and provide care for populations I would never encounter through other programs, such as migrant farm workers. I am thrilled to be a part of a program where I don’t have to wait to become a physician to make a difference: I don’t want to wait till I graduate to begin ameliorating the issues underserved communities must contend with.

Maitreyee Kale
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