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Pace & Performance Measures

Primary Driver 2:   Engaging consumers in healthy lifestyles, preventive care, chronic illness self- management, and healthcare decisions

Secondary Drivers: Pace and performance results and progress are listed below.

Secondary Driver 1:
Promoting the use of Value-Based Insurance Designs (VBID) that incentivize healthy choices by engaging employers and others
Expected Targets Cumulative Achieved to 10/31/2019 Status as of 10/31/2019
  • This secondary driver has four Performance Measures.
  • Target goals have not been met for the number of employers who participated and completed VBID Technical Assistance opportunities, and the number of employers that adopted VBID plans.
  • The VBID Survey administration is in process for 2018; therefore, data has not been collected to determine the current percent of commercially insured population in a VBID plan that aligns with CT SIM’s VBID threshold. Targets were not met in previous years.
  • Number of employers participating in VBID Technical Assistance opportunity 20 9
    Number of employers completed VBID Technical Assistance opportunity 13.5 5
    Number of employers participating in VBID Technical Assistance that adopt VBID plans 12 5
    Percent of commercially insured population in a VBID plan that aligns with CT SIM's VBID threshold 63 26
    Secondary Driver 2:
    Providing transparency on cost and quality by creating a Public Common Scorecard to report provider performance, and deploying CAHPs
    Expected Targets Cumulative Achieved to 10/31/2019 Status as of 10/31/2019
  • Twenty-four measures have been recommended for public reporting.
  • Additional measures will be recommended as data becomes available.
  • The Health CT Scorecard was published in August 2019. The number of scorecard views far exceeded the target.
  • Number of valid measures recommended for public reporting 45 24
    Number of measures publicly reported 40 24
    Number of views to public scorecard 2,500 11,958
    Number of organizations/entities that have self-attested to using data from scorecard 50 0
    Secondary Driver 3:
    Developing informed and actively participating consumers for health reform
    Expected Targets Cumulative Achieved to 10/31/2019 Status as of 10/31/2019
  • The CT SIM has been successful in engaging consumers.
  • The number of trainings held met the target.
  • Some of the consumer engagement issues associated with this secondary driver did not meet their targets.
  • Number of consumers involved in SIM governance (State Innovation Model Health Information Steering Committee (SIM HISC), Consumer Advisory Board (CAB), and identified committees 50 50
    New consumers in consumer-related SIM roles 13.75 30
    Number of issue-driven meetings (including in-person, focus groups, forums, webinars, etc.) 25.5 24
    Number of consumers engaged through events 657 170
    Number trainings held 2.75 3
    Social media metric (e.g., followers, utility of information) 150 90
    Number of consumer-driven documents developed 15.5 7
    Number of action steps identified, based on key learnings from consumer engagement events 34.5 21
    Number of CAB recommendations made to support policy changes 8.25 7