
The Office of Physician-Scientist Career Development is a resource for faculty with an M.D. (or equivalent) degree who are pursuing biomedical research of any type as a major component of their professional effort. In addition to the resources provided below, faculty are encouraged to contact the Director on an individual basis to explore how the Office may be able to assist them in achieving their career goals.

Physician-Scientist Discussion Sessions and Colloquia

Please email pscdadmin@uchc.edu to be placed on the distribution list for announcements of these sessions.

Literature Related to the Physician-Scientist Career Path

Career Development Resources

Selected Grants, Awards, Opportunities

Physician-Scientist Honor Societies

Faculty are encouraged to become knowledgeable about physician-scientist-specific honorific societies and the level of achievement they seek for successful membership nominations. This Office seeks to identify appropriate candidates for nomination at UConn Health and to provide guidance or assistance in the nomination process as needed. Please contact us if you are, or are aware of, a potential candidate for nomination.

Other Helpful Links