Academic Rotunda Non-Academic Event Guidelines

The Academic Rotunda is the centerpiece of the $21 million dollar Academic building expansion. The 3,800 square foot venue provides a remarkable classroom space for our growing medical, dental and graduate schools. It features a large, circular space designed for small-unit, interactive, team-based learning and is equipped with advanced projection and acoustic technologies. When available, the venue may be utilized for non-academic meetings, functions, and catered events with capacities ranging from 150 to 375 people.

The following guidelines and procedures have been established for the use of the Academic Rotunda for non-academic events. Along with these guidelines, approved users of the Academic Rotunda must abide by the UConn Health Common Space Use Policy 2002-50.


Any group requesting to use the Academic Rotunda must be identified as one of the following user groups:

  • UConn Health Administrative Department.
  • UConn Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine.
  • Undergraduate and Graduate teaching groups.
  • Continued medical and dental education activities.
  • Registered student groups with the Office of Student Affairs.
  • Clinical departments and research groups of UConn Health.
  • Groups sponsored by UConn Health, i.e., UConn Health Advisory Council and employee unions.
    *All fundraising sales must in part benefit and be sponsored by UConn Health or the University.
  • Government agencies (local/state/federal) or their representative.
  • Outside non-profit organizations - provided they are sponsored by an official component (Department Head) of UConn Health. Sponsorship approval must be in place prior to booking.


  • Academic and curricular activities scheduled by the Office of Curricular Affairs receive priority access to the Rotunda.
  • When available, the Rotunda may be scheduled for non-academic events on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on weekends from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Availability may change based on the academic calendar. Not available on state and observed holidays.
  • Reservation requests can be made up to six months in advance and must be made a minimum of 45 days prior to the event.
  • A minimum of two hours is required prior to and following other scheduled activities. Additional time may be required based on room availability, room configuration, number of attendees, support staff levels, and changes to the Academic calendar. Lecture style seating requires a minimum of four hours set-up time prior to and after the requested event.


  1. To request a reservation, the requester completes the Academic Rotunda Request Form.pdf and emails the form to Curricular Affairs in the School of Medicine at at least 45 days in advance of the event date.
  2. The School of Medicine will review and reply to the requester, and copy Administrative Support Services within 10 business days. Further discussions may be required before the request is approved or denied.
  3. If the request is approved, PTES will complete the reservation details in the room scheduling system and coordinate the event details with the Requester and the appropriate stakeholders.

Room Reservation Rates

Rate to use the room in the Standard Set-Up of Tables and Chairs – Capacity 192 – Non-Academic UConn Health and Affiliate Events/Social Functions

  • $400 (up to six hours – additional $50 per hour after six hours)

Rate to use the room in the Lecture Set-Up with Chairs in Rows – Capacity 375 – All Lecture Style Functions

  • $800 (up to six hours – additional $50 per hour after six hours)

Additional Services

Catering – Services and rates provided by Morrison.

IT – Pre-event equipment tutorial and event support rates provided by Multimedia Services.

Security – Services and rates provided by the UConn Police Department.

Parking – Posted rates apply for outside attendees. Validations available for a fee. Other valet and surface lot options based on availability.

Directional Signage – Printing and placement on roadways/parking areas, rates apply.

Shuttle Services – Reservations required, based on availability, rates apply.

Facilities – Costs of cleaning, repair, or replacement of furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E).