Parking Rules and Regulations

1. General Information

The University of Connecticut is authorized by state law to promulgate rules and regulations concerning the parking and operation of all motor vehicles on its property. UConn Health is a vibrant academic health campus located in Farmington, which provides world-class research, education, and patient care and has prepared the following rules and regulations consistent with the University's rules and regulations that apply to the main campus in Storrs, as well as to each of the regional campuses.

The UConn Health Administrative Support Services department oversees the management of parking and transportation at the Farmington Campus. We are located in the Administrative Services Building, Room D3500, 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-8230. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We can be reached by email at or by phone at 860-679-4248.

Operating a vehicle on the Farmington campus is deemed evidence of the vehicle operator’s acceptance and understanding of UConn Health’s Parking Rules and Regulations. Penalties for failure to adhere to these rules and regulations may include monetary fines, towing, vehicle immobilization suspension, and/or revocation of the UConn Health parking permit. The owner/permit registrant assumes all responsibility for any fines or other violations issued to his/her vehicle while operated or parked on the UConn Health campus. Overnight parking is only available for in-patients of UConn John Dempsey Hospital and individuals with a UConn Health parking permit who are on campus for work or academic purposes. Overnight parking for any other purpose is prohibited without written authorization from Administrative Support Services or the UConn Police.

Emergency and special situations such as severe weather, construction, building maintenance, roadwork, and special events may require temporary restrictions and/or modifications to these rules and regulations. Violation of temporary restrictions and regulations will result in similar penalties as the violation of the standard parking rules and regulations.

2. Parking Permits

Parking permits are administered by Administrative Support Services. Applicants must complete a registration form, which includes their vehicle/s information – license plate, state, make, model, and color, their personal contact information, and an acknowledgment of fees (if applicable). Permit holders are responsible for notifying Administrative Support Services with all changes to vehicle and contact information.

  1. Employee permits are issued to new employees at new hire orientation. There are two options, Area 1-paid, and Area 3-free. Should an Area 1 permit not be available, an employee may elect to be put on a waiting list, and permits will be offered as spaces become available. Permit changes may be requested when an employee experiences a permanent change in shift, a decrease in FTE, or a change in work location. Other circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Employees from Storrs and the regional campuses who require parking for work purposes on the UConn Health campus should contact Administrative Support Services to inquire about the current parking availability options on the Farmington campus.
  2. Handicap permits issued by the state DMV must be noted on the parking permit registration form. Accessible spaces are marked, and permit holders may park in the areas noted on our Accessible Parking page. UConn Health understands that individuals may have temporary needs that preclude their use of transit or parking facilities normally available to them and may request access to such services through Administrative Support Services.
  3. Student permits are issued to all UConn Health students, including Medical, Dental, and Graduate students. Students must complete a parking registration form, adhere to the fee schedule, and abide by the rules and regulations.
  4. Resident/Fellow permits are issued to all UConn Health Medical and Dental Residents and Fellows. Registrants must complete a parking registration form, adhere to the fee schedule, and abide by the rules and regulations.
  5. Department permits are provided for various department needs, such as employees conducting department business, visitors, and service contractors. The department must hold the permits and distribute them to individuals on an as-needed basis. The permit may not be used as the primary parking permit for any individual employee.
  6. Contractor/Vendor permits are available for parking on the UConn Health campus. Contractors/Vendors must complete a parking registration form, adhere to the fee schedule and abide by the rules and regulations. Contractor parking at any construction site on campus is reviewed at a pre-construction meeting and approved by the Director of Administrative Support Services. All contractor vehicles must be parked in the assigned locations and have a parking permit displayed.
  7. Special/Temporary permits are available for non-UConn Health parkers such as volunteers, community physicians, visiting students and visiting researchers. Special permit holders must complete a parking registration form, adhere to the fee schedule and abide by the rules and regulations.
  8. Oversized vehicles, such as buses, trailers, RVs, etc. that require parking on campus must contact Administrative Support Services in advance to make arrangements for parking.
  9. Hangtags
  • Parking hangtags are the property of UConn Health and are not transferable. The hangtag may only be used by the person that it has been registered to.
  • Parking hangtags must be displayed on the rearview mirror facing the front of the vehicle.
  • Replacement tags are available. A Lost/Stolen Hang Tag form must be completed and there is a fee for replacement hangtags. The fee will be waived if the loss is due to a windshield replacement, vehicle accident or a theft, with proof in the form of a police accident report or windshield receipt.

3. Patient and Visitor Parking

  1. Self-parking for the UConn John Dempsey Hospital University Tower and the Main Building is available in lots H1, M1 and M2, and Garage 3.
  2. Self-parking for the Outpatient Pavilion, UConn Musculoskeletal Institute, and UConn Health Surgery Center is available in Garage 1.
  3. Valet parking is available at the University Tower, Main Building, and the Outpatient Pavilion entrances.
  4. Visitor parking for the School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, and the Lyman Maynard Stowe Library is available in lots H1, M1, and M2, and Garage 3.
  5. Parking validations are available and intended for use by patients and visitors only. Departments are responsible for establishing procedures for securing and distributing validations. Validations may not be used by staff, students, or contractors for parking on campus for work, academic or research purposes. Misuse of validations, along with unauthorized parking, may result in disciplinary action and parking citations.

More information is available on the Patient and Visitor page.

4. Emergency Department and Gastrointestinal (GI) Procedure Center Parking

Emergency Department and GI Procedure parking is available near the Emergency Department entrance. See the Visitor Parking Map for more information.

5. Conferences and Special Events

Parking for all conferences and special events on the UConn Health campus must be approved by Administrative Support Services. For more information, please contact our office at 860-679-4248 or by email at

6. Loading Zones

Loading Dock areas and spaces marked for pick-up and delivery only are restricted to the loading and unloading of passengers and/or materials, and are limited to posted times.

7. Motorcycles, Mopeds, and Bicycles

Motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles must be parked in the parking areas and/or racks designated for them throughout the campus. Parking is prohibited in spaces designed for passenger cars, in loading zones, on sidewalks, driveways, and lawns.

8. Parking Enforcement

Administrative Support Services is responsible for enforcement of the parking rules and regulations on the UConn Health campus. The parking enforcement staff performs a variety of safety, customer service, and enforcement-related functions while promoting an atmosphere of welcoming, resourcefulness, and sustainability for the entire UConn Health community.

9. Parking Violations, Fines, and Appeals

A parking violation may result in one or more of the following penalties: fines, towing, immobilization, and suspension or revocation of the UConn Health parking permit.

  1. All Permit Parking Areas are designated with signs indicating the type of parking permitted or fee required in that particular area. Regulations posted at the entrance of a parking area apply to the spaces within the area, except for spaces that are specifically posted with other designations.
  2. No Parking Zones are in effect 24 hours/7 days per week. Motor vehicles may not park in an area designated as a no-parking zone, including fire/life/safety zones, loading zones, and bus stops. Parking is also prohibited in areas not designated as valid parking zones, including driveways, sidewalks, curbs, lawns, and other landscaping. The absence of signage, paint, or other markings does mean that parking is permitted. Failure to find an available authorized space is not considered a valid excuse for a parking violation.
  3. Misuse of a Permit includes but is not limited to the following:
  • Use of another person’s permit
  • Use of a permit reported lost or stolen
  • Expired permit
  • Sharing a permit
  • Fraudulent registration
  1. The fact that any vehicle is parked in violation of any regulation contained herein and does not receive a ticket does not mean that the regulation is no longer in effect.
  2. Parking of vehicles for longer than 24 hours in any parking space controlled by UConn Health is prohibited. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Director of Administrative Support Services.
  3. Parking fines range from $25.00 to $150.00
  • Improper display of permit: $25.00
  • Violation of posted sign: $30.00
  • Load zone violation: $30.00
  • Double parked/more than one space: $30.00
  • No University permit/decal: $30.00
  • No parking area: $30.00
  • Out of marked space: $30.00
  • In or blocking lot aisle/entrance: $30.00
  • In an unassigned area: $30.00
  • Misuse of electric vehicle charging or low-emission vehicle space: $30.00
  • On a sidewalk, lawn, unpaved area: $50.00
  • Using a forged or altered permit: $50.00
  • In a bus stop: $50.00
  • Blocking entrance/exit to building: $50.00
  • In a fire lane: $50.00
  • Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant: $50.00
  • Parking permit revoked: $50.00
  • Parking in excess of 24 hours: $50.00
  • Parking in a reserved area: $50.00 (Note: reserved parking designations are enforced on all business days, including the six minor holidays.)
  • In a handicap space: $150.00
  • Misuse of handicap permit: $150.00
  1. Citations carry a fine of $25.00, $30.00, $50.00, and $150.00 (depending upon the violation) and shall be paid within 21 days after the issuance of the citation. Fines not paid within 30 days will be increased by $5.00. Fines not paid within 60 days after the issuance of a citation will incur an additional $5.00 penalty.
  2. Parking Citation Appeals Committee is authorized to review and determine the final disposition of parking citation appeals. The committee’s nine members represent areas from across the UConn Health institution, including students, clinicians, and operational and administrative staff.
  3. Citation Appeals must be submitted within thirty days of the issuance of the citation. An appeal will suspend the increase in fine penalties. Appeals may be submitted online, or a printable form may be mailed to Administrative Support Services within 30 days of the issuance of the citation. Denied appeals must be paid within 14 days of notification of the denial to avoid the increase of fines.

10. Towing, Immobilization, and Collections

  1. UConn Health reserves the right to tow vehicles that present a traffic hazard or that impede the normal or emergency functions of Police, Fire, or Safety personnel.
  2. Illegally parked vehicles may be towed without notice to the operator. Legally parked vehicles that must be removed because of emergencies or interference with UConn Health activities will be towed only after a reasonable effort has been made to locate the operator.
  3. The responsibility for payment of all towing charges for vehicles towed by reason of illegal parking will be that of the owner.
  4. Vehicles with delinquent (unpaid) parking fines are subject to being immobilized, or towed at the owner’s expense. The owner will also be responsible for all vehicle storage fees incurred. The immobilization device will not be removed until outstanding fines are paid in full.
  5. Any amount of unpaid fines outstanding after six months may be forwarded to a collection agency. Once the amount is sent to a collection agency payment must be made to the collection agency and will not be accepted by UConn Health.

11. Disabled Vehicles

A disabled vehicle on the UConn Health campus should be reported immediately to the UConn Health Police at 860-679-2121. The owner or operator of the disabled vehicle is responsible for the removal of the vehicle as soon as possible (within a time period specified by the Police Department and/or Administrative Support Services). The vehicle may be moved at the owner or operator’s expense if it is deemed to be in a hazardous location.

12. Liability for Damage or Loss

A motor vehicle is operated or parked on the UConn Health campus solely under the responsibility and at the risk of its owner or operator. UConn Health is not liable for any damage to or caused by any vehicle or its operator, its occupants, or any other person(s) unless the damage has resulted from the negligence of an agent of UConn Health acting in the capacity and within the scope of his or her employment.

Additionally, UConn Health is not responsible for the loss and or damage of items left inside of a motor vehicle while it is parked on the Farmington campus.


UConn Health is committed to providing our patients, visitors, students, and employees with safe, convenient, and environmentally sustainable parking and transportation options. We look forward to serving the campus community. For more information or if you have any concerns regarding these rules and regulations, please contact us.

Administrative Support Services
UConn Health
Administrative Services Building, Room D3500
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-8230

Phone: 860-679-4248