
Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses

Study type/ Setting Methods Outcomes Recommendations Source
Book chapter


Setting: Multiple



Discussed medication reconciliation in different care settings - Ambulatory setting: Miller et al. studies found about 87% of charts had incomplete documentation of medications

- Inpatient: Vira et al. found 38% discrepancy rate for inpatient hospital setting - Transition of care:

Pronovost et al. found 94% discrepancy between discharge orders from ICU to transition of care


- Identify a standard location where the med history would be reported, an assigned person to document the med history, time frame to resolve the variations, and a standard template to document medication history

- Educate provider as well as patient, caregivers

- Design and implement monitoring process to evaluate the outcome of the process

Barnsteiner, J (2008)
Hughes R. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2008 pp.459-468.