Patient Care Access through Electronic Referrals and Consults: Lessons Learned from Coast to Coast

Recorded on September 16th, 2021

Target Audience: Physicians, Pharmacists, Students, Residents, and other health care professionals with needs, interests or training in Health Information Technology and Health Information Exchange.

This is a knowledge-based activity. Learning Objectives: Participants will (be able to):

1. Describe the difference between standard referrals and electronic consults (eConsults) and referrals (eReferrals).
2. Discuss the additional value that an eReferral can provide through an electronic exchange.
3. Discuss the benefits of eReferrals and eConsults for patients and providers in the context of both clinical and social care.
4. Identify challenges and best practices to implement and apply eReferrals and eConsults to practice.
5. Describe how a Health Information Exchange can facilitate eReferrals and eConsults in Connecticut.

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