Student Loan Repayment Toolkit
The UConn Health Office of Student Financial Aid Services, along with the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) is providing these resources to help you navigate residency and relocation as well as the start of your student loan repayment period.
Step-by-Step: How to Prepare For Successful Student Loan Repayment
- Use your FSA ID to log in to Studentaid.gov
- Confirm your student loan servicer
- Log into your loan servicer account and update your contact information
- Authorize or select auto debit for monthly payments
- Review payment due date and amount.
Step-by-Step: How to Pick the Right Repayment Plan
- Review your student loan servicer account.
- Consider your repayment strategy. How much will you be able to afford per month based on projected income?
- Research payment options and determine which plan is best for you. Use the loan simulator tool available at Studentaid.gov
- Once you've determined the right plan, make the change in your servicer portal at studentaid.gov
Other Resources
Here are some other videos which will help you to better understand the this process.
Contact Your Loan Servicer
Identifying Your Servicer
To determine which company services your federal student loans, please use the following two options:
- Visit your dashboard at studentaid.gov and scroll down to the “My Loan Servicers” section, or
- Call the Federal Student Aid Information Center (FASIC) at 1-800-433-3243
Many borrowers have been experiencing longer than normal wait times when trying to reach representatives via the FASIC phone number. We recommend that borrowers ensure the information they are trying to obtain is not on studentaid.gov, or the loan servicer's website prior to calling. There is also a live chat feature available and email addresses that can be used.
SAVE Loan Repayment Program
The U.S. Department of Education recently released a new income-driven student loan repayment plan, the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan. This plan will calculate your monthly payment amount based on your income and family size. This plan offers the lowest monthly payment of any income-driver repayment plan and is available to nearly all borrowers.
To determine your eligibility, follow this link.
University Loans
Student who have borrowed money from the university during their course of study will be contacted by ECSI/Heartland to arrange for monthly payment. All communication will be through this third-party company as they are responsible for collecting payments and processing all requests.
Residency and Relocation
Funding Solutions
If you are relocating for either a medical or dental residency, there may be unexpected costs including, but not limited to, moving costs, renting expenses, as well as the costs to set up a new life in a new town/city/state. While federal loans are not an option, you can explore private funding solutions. The Association of American Medical College (AAMC) has a resource that provides a great of information regarding whether or not a residency and relocation is right for you, questions you should ask before borrowing, and more. You can find that resource here.
If you decide to explore your options for this type of loan, you should review multiple lenders and their loan products to see what fits your needs and budget.