- Freeze Substitution
- JEOL Scanning EM
- Leica Ultramicrotome
- Denton Vacuum Evaporator
- Denton Sputter Coater
- Critical Point Dryer
Contact Us
Stephen M. King, Ph.D.
Phone: 860-679-3347
Rachael Norris, Ph.D.
Assistant Director
Phone: m(860) 679-3476
Maya Yankova
Research Associate
Phone: 860-679-2395
About Us
The Central Electron Microscope Facility (CEMF) is a UConn Health-supported research facility providing electron microscopy research service for faculty, students and extramural users. The CEMF occupies approximately 1,800 sq. ft. of space on B level of the main UConn Health building (rooms AB027 and AB031). The CEMF has three recently installed electron microscopes (EMs) equipped with digital imaging capabilities: a Hitachi H-7650 transmission EM, a JEOL JSM-5900LV scanning EM and a Zeiss Sigma Gemini HV field emission Scanning EM. Sample preparation instruments include ultramicrotomes, vacuum evaporator, sputter coater, critical point dryer, high pressure freezer, freeze substitution system and ion beam coater. The electron microscopes and other instruments also are available for use by experienced faculty or students. Training is available on an individual basis or in a formal graduate course offered every other year.
Electron Microscopy Facility Policies Concerning Training and EM Use
- Training of individual students/research staff in the use of the TEM and SEM is performed on an individual basis only. If multiple researchers from a single lab wish to be trained, each trainee must be scheduled separately.
- Following initial training in TEM/SEM use, students/research staff may sign up for and use the microscopes. However, this usage must be overseen by Maya Yankova and so can only occur during normal business hours when Maya Yankova is present in the EM laboratory. Exceptions to this policy are made only in rare cases on an individual basis for highly experienced personnel.