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A statewide resource for health care and human services.

2-1-1 Child Care
For information on childcare services in Connecticut.

How to Identify Quality Childcare for Families in Connecticut

March of Dimes
Works to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.

Postpartum Support International
A national organization providing a Helpline, online groups and access to local volunteer PSI Coordinators to help you find treatment and care resources.

Postpartum Support International Connecticut Chapter
A state chapter organization whose website houses free perinatal mental health support groups from around the state.

Home Visiting Programs
Early childhood home visiting is a system of home-based programs to support prenatal and postnatal parents with parenting education, case management, clinical services and group programs.

A free statewide initiative to help families understand and track their baby, toddler or preschooler's development through an innovative mobile app!

Birth to Three
Provides evaluation and support for families with children experiencing developmental delay.

Kids Mental Health Info
For information and support to families when children are experiencing emotional or mental health issues.
A clearinghouse of information for parents from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Bean Tree Baby
Connecticut based specialized market and educational programming on baby wearing and other maternity, parenting and baby development items.

Forrester Lactation
Independent practice, highly specialized lactation assessment and support practice in Farmington.

Online Bulletin Board of Doula Practices in Connecticut
You can find Doula practices in the state through this online bulletin board by clicking on any frame to open the practice website.