For Dental Providers



On-Demand Learning

Orofacial Pain - Title Slide
CE Price: $0.00
CE Credit(s): 1.0
CE awarded upon completion of course and submission of evaluation. 
Course published: 10/13/2023
Course expiration/content review: 10/13/2026

Learning Objectives:

Participants will (be able to):

1. understand basic mechanisms of normal and pathologic processes concerning pain and dysfunction.

2. understand the complexity of chronic pain and the behavioral/psychosocial mechanisms related to Orofacial Pain & TMD.

3. recognize and classify Orofacial Pain ‘Umbrella’ and related Diagnostic tests.

4. recognize and broadly formulate management options based on best evidence available and making appropriate referral.

Questions for the presenter may be submitted using the chat icon in the recording.
Opioid Pharmacology Title Slide
CE Price: $0.00
CE Credit(s): 0.5
CE awarded upon completion of course and submission of evaluation. 
Course published: 10/13/2023
Course expiration/content review: 10/13/2026

Learning Objectives:

Participants will (be able to):

1. describe the mechanism of action for opioids

2. describe the impact of opioids on various body systems

3. recognize adverse effects of opioids

4. demonstrate an understanding of clinically significant opioid drug interactions

5. understand Opioid Risk Score and Narx Score

Questions for the presenter may be submitted using the chat icon in the recording.
Opioid Pharmacology Title Slide
CE Price: $0.00
CE Credit(s): 0.5
CE awarded upon completion of course and submission of evaluation. 
Course published: 10/13/2023
Course expiration/content review: 10/13/2026

Learning Objectives:

Participants will (be able to):

1. describe cutaneous manifestations of chronic drug misuse.

2. identify drug-specific oral lesions.

3. recognize substance use disorder and orally-related movement disorders. 

4. identify "meth mouth".

Questions for the presenter may be submitted using the chat icon in the recording.
SUD and Oral Health - Title Slide
CE Price: $0.00
CE Credit(s): 1.0
CE awarded upon completion of course and submission of evaluation
Course published: 07/11/2022
Course expiration/content review: 07/11/2025

Learning Objectives:

Participants will (be able to):

1. understand contemporary concepts of Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

2. describe pharmacological treatment for SUD

3. identify the effects of drugs of abuse on oro-facial structures

4. describe the association between SUD and infectious disease transmission

5. describe the association between gateway drugs and SUD

Questions for presenters may be submitted using the chat icon in the recording.


Recorded Webinars

Learning Objectives:

Participants will (be able to):

1. improve understanding of the pharmacological management of acute orofacial pain.

2. improve understanding of the management of certain chronic orofacial pain conditions.

3. understand the principles of patient referrals for orofacial pain consults.