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June 2024

Jonathan Batchelder and Angela Power presented their work at conferences this month. Jonathan gave talks on his Staphylococcus aureus metabolism and antibiotic susceptibility project at the Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Drug Resistance in Rhode Island. Angie traveled to Denmark and presented her work on S. aureus biofilms and antibiotic tolerance at the Eurobiofilms 2024 meeting.

We welcome our summer researcher Nathaniel Rodney and MD-PhD rotation student Ariana Fantasia-Davis to our lab!

May 2024

We presented our work at the Molecular Biology & Biophysics departmental retreat at Hill-Stead Museum. Angela Power received a first prize for her poster presentation. Go Angie!


The Mok Lab receives funding from the NIH to support our work on the impact of infection site metabolites on the antibiotic persistence of gram-negative pathogens!

Congratulations to Dr. Brandon Byrd, our lab's first doctoral student, on receiving his MD-Ph.D.! Brandon, best of luck on your OBGYN residency!

Postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Nisha Mahey, joins our lab. Welcome Nisha!

March 2024

Congratulations to Trish Hare for winning the 3rd Annual MBB SciArt Contest!  Check out Trish's photo-tryptych entitled "eDNA Zoo." Can you spot the creatures in the "zoo?" Thanks to Dr. Irina Bezsonova for organizing this annual contest.


Our postbac, Jay González, presented her work on Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibiotic susceptibility at the Pioneer Valley Microbiology Symposium at UMass Amherst!


August 2023

Members of the Mok Lab had a great time at UConn Health's 40th annual Graduate Student Research Day! Patricia Hare won the Lepow Award for outstanding fourth-year student, Angela Power won the Biomedical Science Service Award in Mentorship, and Travis LaGree represented our Area of Concentration in the student talks (and also won a raffle). Jonathan Batchelder, Trish, and Angie also presented their work at the event. Looking forward to the next GSRD!

Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Travis LaGree for being awarded an NIH F31 grant from NIDDK to support his doctoral research! Go Travis!

DMD-Ph.D. candidate Patricia Hare travels to Madison, Wisconsin for the 2023 Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Phages Meeting, where she presented her work on P. aeruginosa persistence.

July 2023

DMD-Ph.D. candidate Patricia Hare was awarded an NIH F30 grant from NIDCR to support her research and training. Go Trish!

Jonathan traveled to the University of Nebraska Medical Center for the Essentials of Staphylococcal Genetics & Metabolism Workshop and learned a tonne!

As we bid goodbye to our postbac, Ryan Quelle, who will be heading off to dental school at Tufts University, we welcome two new(ish) faces. Andrew Taylor, who was with us when he was in high school, returns as a summer undergraduate researcher. Juliet González also joins us as a post-baccalaureate researcher. Good luck Ryan and welcome (back) Andrew and Juliet!

May-June 2023
Members of our lab have been traveling to conferences across the country! Travis Lagree presented his work at AIChE Synthetic Biology Engineering Evolution Design (SEED) meeting in Los Angeles in May, Angie DeMarco gave a flash talk at ASM Microbe in Houston, and Wendy presented her lab's work at the Bacterial Cell Biology and Development GRC.

April 2023
Congratulations to our undergraduate student, Stephanie Schofield, for being awarded a Fulbright Study/Research Grant! Steph will be heading to Heidelberg, Germany this Fall to work toward developing innovative models for a neurodevelopmental disorder.

March 2023

Jonathan and Ryan present their work at the Pioneer Valley Microbiology Symposium at UMass Amherst!


July 2022

DMD-Ph.D. student Patricia Hare was selected to give a talk on "Leveraging Probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 to Hinder Levofloxacin Persister Resuscitation" at the Gordon Research Seminar on Microbial Stress Response and presents her work at the GRC! Go Trish!

Jonathan Batchelder officially joins our lab as a Ph.D. student!

Ryan Quelle joins our lab as a post-baccalaureate researcher. Welcome Ryan!

June 2022

Wendy gives a talk entitled "Leveraging Bacterial Vulnerabilities to Bolster the Efficacy of Topoisomerase Inhibitors" at the Gordon Research Conference on Drug Resistance.

Trish represented the UConn Dental School and participated in the Oral Health Sciences Graduate Programs in a Future and Diverse Workforce Symposium at the University of Michigan!

Wendy gives a talk on bolstering the efficacy of topoisomerase inhibitors against antibiotic tolerant bacteria at the 50th Annual American Society for Chemistry Middle Atlantic Region Meeting (ACS-MARM) at The College of New Jersey!

May 2022

First year Ph.D. student Jonathan Batchelder joins our lab for his rotation. Welcome Jonathan!

Undergraduate student Stephanie Schofield receives a UConn Undergraduate Summer Research Fund (SURF) Award for her summer project. Congratulations Steph!

March 2022

Brandon successfully defended his thesis as his labmates along with other friends and family cheered him on. Congratulations Dr. Byrd!



Undergraduate student Steph Schofield represents UConn and presents her research at the inaugural BIG EAST Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium at Madison Square Garden! Go Steph and Go Huskies!

Angie, Travis and Steph present their work at the Pioneer Valley Microbiology Symposium at UMass Amherst!

February 2022

The Mok Lab virtually visited the Healthcare Occupations and Professionals in Education (HOPE) Club at South Windsor High and spoke with the students about our research and careers. Thanks Tracy and Vineet for the invitation!


October 2021

Undergraduate student Stephanie Schofield presents her summer project at UConn's Fall Frontiers Undergraduate Research Poster Exhibition!

The Mok Lab receives the NIH Director's New Innovator Award for our research on Mapping Microbial Interactions that Modulate Antibiotic Persistence! Read more about it here and here.

NIH Director's New Innovator Award

July 2021

Our lab welcomes four rising seniors from Farmington High for their two-week internship through MBB's Cutting Edge program. Led by their fearless leader, Brandon Byrd, the team learned fundamental microbiology and microbial genetic techniques while finding out what's on their hands and phones!

June 2021

A few of us gave talks this month: Angie delivered a talk on her rotation work with Dr. Peter Setlow at the New York Bacillus Interest Group (NYBIG) meeting; Wendy delivered a plenary talk in the Cytometry in Antimicrobial Resistance session at the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry meeting; and Brandon presented his work on Delafloxacin persisters at the Boston Bacterial Meeting (BBM).

June 2021

Dental students Mishil Nana and Ryan Higgins join us for their summer projects. Welcome Mishil and Ryan!

May 2021

UConn undergrad Stephanie Schofield joins our lab as a Health Research Program researcher ( Welcome Steph!

May 2021

Travis LaGree and Angie DeMarco officially join our lab for their Ph.D. studies!

May 2021

After two years in our lab, undergrad Hanna Englander successfully completes her honours thesis and graduates from UConn. Congrats Hanna! We wish you the best of luck as you prepare for your postbac adventures at the NIH later this summer.

April 2021

Undergrad Hanna Englander presents an Early Career Lightning Talk on her thesis project at this year's American Society for Microbiology (ASM) DC Branch Spring Meeting!

January 2021

Members of the Mok Lab participated in the CT Science Center's Virtual STEM Career Showcase for middle and high school students in the area. Thanks to the grad students from UConn Health's Young Explorers in Science (YES!) program for coordinating this event. Check out this video that students in our lab has put together. Many thanks to all of our lab's participants, especially our directors/ producers Trish and Brandon.


January 2021

Angela ("Angie") DeMarco starts her Ph.D. rotation in our lab, and DMD-Ph.D. student Patricia ("Trish") Hare officially starts her doctoral studies with us. Welcome Angie and Trish!


November 2020

Wendy gives a talk at the NIH Lambda Lunch and in UConn's Department of Molecular and Cell Biology seminar series.

September 2020

Postdoc Maria Rocha receives a third place prize at the UConn Health/Jax Postdoc Research Day Speak4Science event! Congrats Maria!

September 2020

Travis LaGree joins our lab as a Ph.D. program rotation student. Welcome Travis!

August 2020

Isabella Gregor joins our lab as a research student. Welcome Isabella!

July 2020

The Mok Lab receives a Child Health Research Grant from the Charles H. Hood Foundation!

June 2020

DMD-Ph.D. student Patricia Hare joins our lab for her rotation. Welcome Trish!

April 2020

Undergraduate researcher Hanna Englander receives a UConn Undergraduate Summer Research Fund (SURF) Award for her summer project. Check out her interview on UConn Today. Congratulations Hanna!

February 2020

UConn Microbiome Research Seed Grants funds our collaborative project with the Wright Lab @ UConn's School of Pharmacy!

January 2020

The Mok Lab goes to the Pioneer Valley!

Our lab participated in the annual Pioneer Valley Microbiology Symposium. Maria, Brandon, Blesing, and Hanna presented their posters at the event, and Wendy gave a talk. We were delighted to meet fellow microbiology researchers in the area and learn about all of the exciting research going on in the region. Thanks to the students at UMass Amherst for organizing this incredible meeting!


November 2019

Brandon officially joins our lab!

November 2019

Wendy gives a talk titled "Deciphering the survival strategies of bacterial persisters" in UConn's Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science's seminar series.

August 2019

Brandon Byrd joins our lab as a rotation student. Welcome Brandon!

June 2019

Alyssa Matz joins our lab as a summer rotation student. Welcome Alyssa!

May 2019
Blesing Zenick (a recent UConn graduate) and Hanna Englander (a UConn rising junior) join the lab. Welcome Blesing and Hanna!

April 2019
Dr. Maria Rocha Granados joins the lab. Welcome Maria!

January 2019
The Mok Lab is officially in operation. New members are welcome.