Public Participation and Recording Policy

UConn Health Board of Directors (BOD) start its agenda with Public Comments. The BOD shall hear brief oral presentations from members of the public who wish to express their views on issues pending before the BOD or on other issues of concern to UConn Health. The agenda for each regular public meeting of the BOD shall allot up to thirty minutes for this purpose:

  • Requests to address the BOD shall be made to the chair's designee at least one day prior to the meeting and may begin to be made the day following the last BOD meeting. The actual person who intends to speak must make the request.
  • The chair of the BOD shall recognize each speaker in the order of signing up, shall request the speaker identify himself/herself, and shall ensure adherence to time limits as will permit the orderly progress of the BOD through its agenda. Each speaker will be allotted a time period of three minutes to speak.
  • At a special meeting of the BOD, comment by members of the public shall be limited specifically to the subject described in the call of the special meeting.

The BOD would like to give each constituency an opportunity to speak. Therefore, groups are encouraged to appoint a single spokesperson to present their point of view.

The purpose of Public Participation is to allow the BOD to hear the views of the public. BOD will neither ask nor answer questions nor make comments during this portion of the agenda.

The chair appoints the following person as his/her designee to receive requests to speak in the Public Comments portion of BOD meetings:

Maura Bobinski
Phone: 860-679-2594

Policy on the Recording of Board of Directors Quarterly, Subcommittee and ad hoc Committee Meetings

Per State of Connecticut Statute (Section 1-226), recording of public meetings of the University of Connecticut Board of Directors is allowed under the following conditions:

  • Such recording does not disrupt the meeting.
  • Those making such recordings do not impair the ability of other members of the public from viewing the meeting.
  • Those making such recordings do not encroach upon board members sitting at the main table (i.e., come closer than 5 feet from them).
  • Those wishing to make recordings must notify the administrative liaison to the board of directors at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.

Upon reasonable prior notice, the administrative liaison to the board of directors will make reasonable accommodations for recording equipment and access to power.