Sample Submission and Billing

Sample Submission (Internal Customers Only)

Please note: No samples may be submitted to the Research Histology Core until the PI has been set up with active FRS accounts to be billed for research histology.

  1. To submit samples to the histology core please fill out a Research Histology Work Request Form including contact information, PI, requested services and FRS account to be charged.
  2. Prepare your tissue samples with a proper fixation protocol and place them into pathology cassettes. See suggested protocol: Standard Protocol for Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissue Samples.
  3. Bring the samples to histology core (L1017) and leave them on the bench with your work request form.
  4. Once the work is completed, charges to your grants will be submitted through the UConn Health Center Research Store.
  5. Once the charges are submitted, you will receive an email notifying you that you can pick up your samples.

If there are any problems with the account, they must be resolved before the samples can be picked up.


All of the billing for Research Histology Core Services goes through the UConn Health Center Research Store. If you plan on submitting samples, you and your PI must be added as users in the Research Store, and the FRS account you would like to use must be set up to be charged by the Research Histology Core. Research Store accounts are set up by department administrators who will be able to help you with this process.