Master Interview Rating Scale (MIRS)

Clinical Skills Assessment Program


Instructions: This module provides you with the opportunity to learn about the MIRS and to practice using it. First there is a description of the development of the instrument and its contents. It is on your left and can be played as soon as you are ready. Below is a copy of the MIRS to review as you listen to the lecture and then use for scoring the medical encounters. Case 1, a video of a medical history and the form for scoring it (using a drop down menu). Only a portion of the MIRS items are to be scored for the encounter. Others will be used in the scoring of other cases. After you have reviewed the encounter and submitted your score, the next screen will give you a comparison of your scores with the consensus scores. Cases 2-4 can be accessed and completed in the same way. Then you have finished the module.

Table of Contents

Case 1: Groin Pain
Case 2: Groin Pain
Case 3: Left Chest Pain
Case 4: Left Chest Pain


Cases 1-2 Authors

Carol A. Pfeiffer, Ph.D.

Barb Palten, R.N.

Amy B. Akins, M.D.
UConn Class of 2007

Ron T. Collins
Video Communication

Cases 3-4 Authors

Carol A. Pfeiffer, Ph.D.

Dan Aloi

Brianna Jackson
UConn Class of 2012

Timberley Barber and Benjamin Smith

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