Min Jung Kim, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Medicine
Calhoun Cardiology Center and Department of Family Medicine, UConn Health


Dr. Kim is an experienced healthcare data analyst and scientist whose research focuses on analyzing and interpreting complex and disparate sets of healthcare data to identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks in the healthcare system. She brings a wealth of expertise in statistics and systems engineering to build evidence for data-driven clinical decision making.Using statistical and systems engineering approaches, Dr. Kim has contributed to elucidating the risk and promoting continuous improvements in the healthcare system. Her work includes monitoring disease trends and understanding the dynamics of disease change in syndromic surveillance, chronic disease monitoring, and sero-surveillance. She has also utilized claims healthcare databases and electronic health record databases to evaluate the effectiveness of cardiac clinical interventions, COVID-19 treatment, and to calculate electronic clinical quality measures. Furthermore, Dr. Kim has used quantitative models to predict non-adherence risk, and short-term readmission risk to identify patients who are more vulnerable to admission, readmission risks in the healthcare system. Her research has made significant contributions to improving patient outcomes and promoting evidence-based clinical decision making.

MS, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Penn State University
Ph.D., Industrial Engineering. Penn State University
Post Doctoral Appointment, Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland

Dr. MJ Kim and Family