Eileen Condon, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC

Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut School of Nursing and Department of Pediatrics, UConn School of Medicine.


Dr. Condon’s research is focused on understanding intergenerational transmission of childhood adversity and protective factors among socioeconomically marginalized families. Inspired by her background as a family nurse practitioner working with underserved communities, the goal of Dr. Condon’s research program is to identify novel targets for intervention to promote heath and reduce health inequities among marginalized families. Dr. Condon incorporates biological, behavioral, and genetic approaches, including examining the roles of sleep, mental health, parenting, inflammation, and gene-environment interactions in the intergenerational transmission of toxic stress.

BS, Nursing,  Villanova University
MS Nursing, Yale University
PhD,  Nursing,  Yale University

Dr. Condon's Lab: https://condon.research.uconn.edu/

Google Scholar Profile:  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kSyja10AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Eileen Condon at a poster session