Chengxi Zang, Ph.D.

Instructor, Department of Population Health Sciences, Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

Dr. Zang’s current research focus is using AI, Machine Learning, and large-scale Real-World Health Data to solve challenging healthcare problems, including drug repurposing for Alzheimer's Disease, suicide prevention, understanding Long Covid, etc. His research has been published in the top venues of related areas such as Nature Medicine, Nature Communications, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Scientific Reports, Cell Patterns, Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, TKDE, KDD, AAAI, ICDM, and his papers have won ICDM'18 Best Paper Candidate and the Best Paper Award at AAAI'20 Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs.

Ph.D, Tsinghua University
Excellent Ph.D. Dissertation Award in the Computer Science Department and an Excellent Ph.D. Award in Tsinghua University.

Google Scholar Profile

Dr. Zang's personal page:  Chengxi Zang (

Chengxi Zang