
Current preprints

19. Ahern DT, Bansal P, Faustino IV, Glatt-Deeley HR, Kondaveeti Y, Banda EC, Pinter SF. Isogenic hiPSC models of Turner syndrome reveal shared roles of inactive X and Y in the human cranial neural crest network. bioRxiv preprint 2023.03.08.531747v1

18. Bansal P, Banda EC, Glatt-Deeley HR, Stoddard C, Linsley JW, Arora N, Ahern DT, Kondaveeti Y, Nicouleau M, Sabariego-Navarro M, Dierssen M, Finkbeiner S, Pinter SF. A dynamic in vitro model of Down Syndrome neurogenesis with Trisomy 21 gene dosage correction. bioRxiv preprint 2022.05.11.491519v3

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17. Ahern DT, Bansal P, Armillei MK, Faustino IV, Kondaveeti Y, Glatt-Deeley HR, Banda EC, Pinter SF. Monosomy X in isogenic human iPSC-derived trophoblast model impacts expression modules preserved in human placenta. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2022 Oct 4;119(40):e2211073119.

16. Bansal P, Ahern DT, Kondaveeti Y, Qiu CW, Pinter SF. Contiguous erosion of the inactive X in human pluripotency concludes with global DNA hypomethylation. Cell Reports. 2021 Jun 8;35(10):109215.

15. Bauer M, Vidal E, Zorita E, Üresin N, Pinter SF, Filion GJ, Payer B. Chromosome compartments on the inactive X guide TAD formation independently of transcription during X-reactivation. Nat Communications. 2021 Jun 9;12(1):3499.

14. Bansal, P., Kondaveeti, Y., & Pinter, S. F. (2020). Forged by DXZ4, FIRRE, and ICCE: How Tandem Repeats Shape the Active and Inactive X Chromosome. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 7.

13. Froberg, J. E., Pinter, S. F., Kriz, A. J., Jégu, T., & Lee, J. T. (2018). Megadomains and superloops form dynamically but are dispensable for X-chromosome inactivation and gene escape. Nature Communications, 9(1), 5004.

12. Chu, H.-P., Froberg, J. E., Kesner, B., Oh, H. J., Ji, F., Sadreyev, R., … Lee, J. T. (2017). PAR-TERRA directs homologous sex chromosome pairing. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 24(8).

11. Savol, A. J., Wang, P. I., Jeon, Y., Colognori, D., Yildirim, E., Pinter, S. F., … Sadreyev, R. I. (2017). Genome-wide identification of autosomal genes with allelic imbalance of chromatin state. PLoS ONE, 12(8).

10. Pinter, S. F. (2016). A Tale of Two Cities: How Xist and its partners localize to and silence the bicompartmental X. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 56, 19–34.

9. Pinter, S. F., Colognori, D., Beliveau, B. J., Sadreyev, R. I., Payer, B., Yildirim, E., … Lee, J. T. (2015). Allelic Imbalance Is a Prevalent and Tissue-Specific Feature of the Mouse Transcriptome. Genetics, 200(2), 537–549.

8. Kung, J. T., Kesner, B., An, J. Y., Ahn, J. Y., Cifuentes-rojas, C., Colognori, D., … Lee, J. T. (2015). Locus-Specific Targeting to the X Chromosome Revealed by the RNA Interactome of CTCF. Molecular Cell, 57(2), 361–375.

7. Simon, M. D., Pinter, S. F., Fang, R., Sarma, K., Rutenberg-Schoenberg, M., Bowman, S. K., … Lee, J. T. (2013). High-resolution Xist binding maps reveal two-step spreading during X-chromosome inactivation. Nature, 504(7480), 465–469.

6. Sadreyev, R. I., Yildirim, E., Pinter, S. F., & Lee, J. T. (2013). Bimodal quantitative relationships between histone modifications for X-linked and autosomal loci. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110(17), 6949–6954.

5. Pinter, S. F., Sadreyev, R. I., Yildirim, E., Jeon, Y., Ohsumi, T. K., Borowsky, M., & Lee, J. T. (2012). Spreading of X chromosome inactivation via a hierarchy of defined Polycomb stations. Genome Research, 22(10), 1864–1876.

4. Yildirim, E., Sadreyev, R. I., Pinter, S. F., & Lee, J. T. (2012). X-chromosome hyperactivation in mammals via nonlinear relationships between chromatin states and transcription. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 19(1), 56–61.

3. Spencer, R. J., del Rosario, B. C., Pinter, S. F., Lessing, D., Sadreyev, R. I., & Lee, J. T. (2011). A boundary element between Tsix and Xist binds the chromatin insulator Ctcf and contributes to initiation of X-chromosome inactivation. Genetics, 189(2), 441–454.

2. Donohoe, M. E., Silva, S. S., Pinter, S. F., Xu, N., & Lee, J. T. (2009). The pluripotency factor Oct4 interacts with Ctcf and also controls X-chromosome pairing and counting. Nature, 460(7251), 128–132.

1. Pinter, S. F., Aubert, S. D., & Zakian, V. (2008). The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Pfh1p DNA helicase is essential for the maintenance of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 28(21), 6594–6608.