Dr. Jonathan Covault Dutasteride study, IRB# 19-147-2 is completed and closed for enrollment.

Want to Stop or Reduce Your Drinking?

The Alcohol Research Center is conducting a 24-week study at UConn Health. Participants receive brief counseling and study medication (active drug or inactive placebo). All appointments and sessions are individual. The visits, lab work, and study procedures are provided at no cost. We are currently enrolling women and men in this study.

If you are a regular or daily drinker between the ages of 35-70, and want to stop or reduce your drinking, please contact Dr. Jonathan Covault’s staff at 860-679-7000.

Contact Us

Marcia Lawlor
Phone: 860-679-7000 or 860-679-6730
Email: lawlor@uchc.edu


Allison Laska
Phone: 860-679-4152
Email: alaska@uchc.edu

Pouring vodka into shot glasses (Shutterstock)