Get Involved

Photo of a group of seniors laughing.
Photo of a physician and patient interacting.
Photo of a group of seniors.

For Community Members

Nationally, Pepper Centers work to enhance function and independence in older adults through research. The UConn Pepper Center research program recognizes the huge variation present among older adults and aims to develop more effective interventions by precisely matching the right treatment to each older individual. Our mission is to find new pathways through science and medicine to “Add Life to Years” for older adults.

    Join Our Research Volunteer Registry

    Are you or someone you know over the age of 60 interested in learning more about how to participate in age-related research and ongoing events sponsored by the UConn Center on Aging’s Pepper Center?

    By signing up for our Research Volunteer Registry, you will be notified about research studies of potential interest for which you may be eligible. You will also learn about ongoing community educational events hosted by the UConn Pepper Center. We do not share any information from the Research Volunteer Registry with any third parties. Call 860-679-3043 to learn more about the registry or to sign up!

    Or sign up today.

      Community Advisory Board (CAB)

      The UConn Pepper Center Community Advisory Board is made up of community stakeholders and community members who provide guidance and feedback for Pepper Center funded studies and community engagement activities. Members of our CAB include the following stakeholders:

        CAB Member Name


        Maureen McIntyre Executive Director, Association of Area Agencies on Aging of CT (N4A)
        Julia Evans-Starr President, Connecticut Community Care
        Mag Morelli President, LeadingAge Connecticut
        Reverend Robyn Anderson Ministerial Health Fellowship
        Joel Cruz Urban Alliance
        Georgia Powell Powell Health; Health and Wellness Strategist, Gerontologist, and Mental Health Instructor
        Keri Arokium Planning Analyst, Connecticut Department of Aging and Disability Services, State Unit on Aging
        Brenda DelGado Retired, former (Non-profit) Executive Director, former Nursing Home Administrator, former National Black Caucus on Aging Fellow, former CT Health Foundation Leadership Fellow, former Health Program Administrator CT Department of Public Health
        Judith Zachs Emeriti Board Member of UConn Foundation, Director of “Project Older American” at Southern Connecticut State University Department on Aging, Former Gerontologist at Hartford Hospital Department of Psychiatry, Investigated nursing home industry in Connecticut at the direction of Governor Ella Grasso resulting in the state requiring Social Workers in Nursing homes
        Awilda Rodriguez-Murillo Director, South End Wellness Senior Center

        UConn Pepper Center and Community Events

        UConn Pepper Center staff are available to give presentations or set up an information table at community events and gatherings. Please contact us if you are interested in having someone from our organization attend your next event and let us know what aging health topics you would like to learn more about.

        Contact our Recruitment and Community Engagement Core Manager Lisa Pesce at 860-679-2305.