Movie Gallery

Disc-Shaped Cells in the Central Nucleus of Inferior Colliculus
This neuron was filled with a dye after intracellular recording in the cat inferior colliculus. See Kuwada et al 1997.

Convergence of MSO and LSO Afferents in Low-Frequency IC
(Loftus et al 2004) Inputs from the MSO and LSO terminate in different zones in the inferior colliculus.

Functional Zones in the Central Nucleus of the IC, Synaptic Domain Hypothesis
This is our current model of how the Inputs are segregated on the laminae of the inferior colliculus to make functional zones.

Tonotopic Organization in Rat
This movie shows the frequency band laminae defined by multiple electrode penetrations and multi-unit recordings. Movie Case 05-260.

Laminar Organization of the IC of the Rat 1
Laminar Organization of the IC of the Rat 2
Laminar Organization of the IC of the Rat 3

Cochlear Maturation Model
Shift in frequency across the tonotopic map with cochlear maturation.