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Physical Activity Calorie Use Chart

Introduction to Calorie Burning

Calories burned usually reference the metabolic energy (MET) used. The formula to calculate the calories burned based on the METs is:

Weight (in kg)*METS = Calories Burned Per Hour

If weight is in pounds, the formula is (weight/2.2)*METS=calories burned per hour

METs values in reference to activity:

How Many Calories Does Physical Activity Use?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture website,, includes a chart that shows how many calories are burned per 30 minutes and per 60 minutes, depending on what activity is done, and at what level of physical exertion. It also provides information on what physical activity is, why it is important, how much is needed and tips for increasing physical activity.

Calculate Your Calories Burned

The American Council on Exercise’s website,, provides an interactive tool in which you can enter your body weight and hours spent on a specific activity (chosen from a drop down list), and the total estimated calories burned will be presented in the output box. There are also interactive media elements such as podcasts and videos for ideas on physical activity. Its social media, such as its Facebook page. are constantly updated with new exercises that can be done at home or at the gym. They also provide tips on nutrition.

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