CME Activity Director & Other Support Roles

Who Is the CME Activity Director

The Activity Director must be a UConn faculty member appointed from within a UConn Health clinical/ancillary department. In this role, the Activity Director is responsible for planning, conducting, and evaluating the CME event, ultimately the one who will be signing off on all the activity mitigation of conflicts (both in content and fiscal) and management of fiscal components. The responsibilities of the activity director include but are not limited to:

  • Communicating the learning objectives and other relevant planning information to all speakers or faculty responsible for conducting or facilitating the educational activity.
  • Communicating the learning objectives and other important information to the target audience.
  • Mitigating and managing any potential conflicts of interest to eliminate bias in the planning and implementation of the activity.
  • Attesting to the accuracy and completeness of the CME application.
  • Submitting a complete and accurate final report on the activity, including evaluation results, to the Office of Community and Continuing Medical Education within six weeks of the activity’s completion.
  • The activity director can be an author/speaker within the activity as well.
  • The activity director also leads the planning committee and is by way of the nature of the role, a default planning member.

 Who Else Is Involved Along With the CME Activity Director

  • Co-Activity Director: This role is optional. This person jointly shares all administrative and operational duties of the Activity Director as described above. The co-director can be someone who is affiliated in a jointly provided activity not from a UConn Health related department. In certain circumstances, our office will require an activity to have a co-activity director if the activity director has some sort of financial conflict in relations to the content areas of the activity. The co-activity director can be an author/speaker within the activity as well, and by way of the nature of the role, a default planning member.
  • Activity Admin: This role is required. This is the person who is responsible for all administrative support and essentially administers and operates the logistics, the paperwork, and interfaces with the CME office on each tasks that needs to be done. This roles is central and critical for any activity to run smoothly and successfully. The activity admin usually does not fulfill a role of author/speaker, however this person can assist in content planning and selection if required. In addition, by way of the nature of the role, also default planning member.
  • Independent Peer Reviewer: This role is optional. This person is primarily selected when required by the CME office, however an activity may decided to elect to use this role as part of their planning committee. Usually in instances where the activity director may not be a content expert in the area of focus, there are conflicts of interests with the activity director or planning members. When a recommendation of an independent peer reviewer is made, this person is identified as such, becomes a member of the planning committee.  This person sole role is to be an independent peer reviewer, and should not hold any additional role such as author/speaker within the activity.
  • Planning Members: This role is required. The CME activity that is being planned must have at least 1 additional person who is not the activity director, co-director, or activity admin to serve on the activity's planning committee. An activity can have as many planning members as they deem to be needed, commonly we typically see 2-3 additional planning members. Planning members can also be authors and speakers within the activity as well.